Welcome to La Nucia

La Nucia La Nucia is an elegant residential zone with 69 housing estates inhabited all year by local and foreign residents, though this has not changed the customs and beauty of this peaceful village. The series of small rises (tossalets) that comprise the district are covered in green pine and fruit trees. The Aixortá and the Aitana provide protection from the cold northern winds and ensure an average annual temperature of 15º C. A good time to visit the village is on Sunday mornings when stalls selling second-hand goods stretch over several kilometres, constituting one of the most impressive markets of the province. Trips can be made to the old washhouse and up the road through the white houses, revealing a peaceful village that still enjoys its old customs.

Gastronomy: "Arrós cuïnat". " Pilotes de dacsa", una variante de cocido de reminiscencias árabes. "Mulladoret de satgatxo". "Mintxos". Embutidos muy característicos que hicieron famosa a esta población en toda la provincia.

Art: Leather balls, chamois leather and glass.

Monuments: Church, Sindicatos, old town centre and Avenida Porvilla with a beautiful panoramic view.

Cultural Attractions: Radio Museum.

Festivals and Events: From the 15-18 of August a celebration is held in honour of the Immaculate Conception. Celebrations are held on the third Sunday in November for St Rafael.

Situation: This is a beautiful valley full of fruit trees located between Benidorm and Callosa d´En Sarrià. 53 km from Alicante and 10 km from Benidorm.

Tour of the town: There is a picnic area at the Fuente de la Favara (spring). Puig Campana and the El Captivador Paraje Natural (interesting landscape).